Linux browsers

2 replies. Asked on November 11, 2014 by Paul
i want to make sure my webapp works in linux browsers. when are you gonna add linux browsers? let me know and i'll sign up when you have them
All answers
Peter Krumins staff
Answered on November 11, 2014
Hey potz,

Thanks for the question.

Yes, we'll be adding Linux browsers. At the moment we're working on mobile (Android, iOS/OSX/Mac) browsers but Linux browsers are next.

You'll be able to use Chrome/Chromium for Linux, Firefox for Linux, Opera for Linux, Qupzilla, Midori, Epiphany and Konqueror. (And lynx hehe).

Peter Krumins
co founder of browserling
Andrea Marco
Answered on January 1, 2021
i use samsung tv for all web activities.
used browserling
the same,samsung tv is linux
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