Browsing Facebook

2 replies. Asked on November 11, 2014 by Zuck
Can I use browserling just to browse facebook? Like an online browser?
All answers
Peter Krumins staff
Answered on November 11, 2014
Hey Zuck,

Yes you can user browserling like an online browser. Just sign up for a developer plan, choose a browser and you can use it as a regular browser on your computer. Except it's running in our browser cloud, and you're anonymous.

We're planning introducing single-browser plans that will simply let you browse the net in a single browser in browserling. Anonymously and securely.

Peter Krumins
co founder of browserling
Answered on April 4, 2023
Hi Peter,

Related to this, I'm interested to know if network settings are available in the online browser, so that I can change the network settings as per my need.

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