A few days ago we added right click and wheel click (middle button click) to Browserling. Today we added the same functionality to Live API.

Live API now implements the following functions:

  • browserling.rightClick(x, y)

Right clicks mouse at (x, y).

  • browserling.wheelClick(x, y)

Middle clicks (wheel clicks) at (x, y).

Left click, right click and mouse wheel click are just three of mouse buttons. Many mouses have more than 3 buttons so we added support for mouses with more buttons via click function:

  • browserling.click(x, y, button)

We support mouses up to 8 buttons. You can now use these extra buttons. Change the button argument from 1 to 8 to click buttons 1 to 8. Left click is 1, mouse wheel is 2, right click is 3. Other buttons are 4 to 8. Default is 1 (left click).

Live API lets you embed browsers in your applications on demand and it lets you automate browsers through JavaScript API.

Happy cross-browser testing!